Jure Zovko, professor of Philosophy
He is since 2008 a permanent member of Institut international de philosophie (Paris);
Since 2010. he is also titulaires member of L' Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (Bruxelles).
Since 2010 he is vice-president of Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft.
He was a president of Comité de cooptation de Institut International de philosophie (2015-2018) and Member of the Presidium, the assesor of the Academic Council of Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (2015-2018).
He is since 2018 vice-president of Institut international de philosophie (Paris);
He is a member of Steering Committee of FISP (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie).
He is a member of philosophical associations Deutsche Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie; International Plato Society, Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft, Schlegel-Gesellschaft.
Since 2021 he is president of L' Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (Bruxelles).
Since 2021 he is president Institut international de philosophie (Paris - Nancy).
Professor Jure Zovko will hold a lecture on "Judgement and science. Reflection from the perspective of Kant's Third Critique" in Beijing, on November 9th, 3-5 PM. The lecture will be hosted by Professor Han Shuifa, University of Beijing. More details: 讲座预告 | Jure Zovko 教授讲座:Judgment and Science

Interpretations of a Common World. From Antiquity to Modernity. Essays in honour of Jure Zovko
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